Letter from the Editors
§1. It is with great pleasure that we introduce our fourteenth issue of The Heroic Age. This issue is a bit of a first for us, in that it will be released in two installments. The first installment features a series of essays that are published jointly by The Heroic Age and postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies. To our knowledge, there has never quite been a project like this in the history of academic publishing. Our second installment, which will release later in November, features a series of essays examining aspects of Anglo-Saxon Law. As both installments are beautifully introduced by their respective editors, I will direct the reader to Eileen Joy's introduction to The State(s) of Early English Studies and Andrew Rabin's introduction to Anglo-Saxon Law.
§2. Over the past few months, we have experienced a couple more changes at The Heroic Age. Our editorial board has been reconfigured, and we are delighted to welcome John Soderberg to the board. John will also be penning a regular column for us, The Year in Medieval Archaeology, exploring new trends in archaeology. Because our fast turn-around between Issue 13 and Issue 14, the majority of our regular features are on hiatus, but they will be returning with Issue 15. We have also updated the website design and layout in an attempt to provide an aesthetic viewing experience regardless of screen size (from the tiny screens of hand-held devices to the generous real estate available on the new widescreen monitors). Last, but not least, Deanna Forsman is now serving as Co-Editor-in-Chief with Larry Swain.
§3. As always, we thank our loyal readers for their continued support of The Heroic Age. Enjoy the issue!