Submission Instructions for Authors

Regular Features

Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe welcomes submissions for any of our regular features.

Feature Articles: Research articles representing new scholarship on special or general topics. Themed topics are indicated under our Call for Papers. Articles should be approximately 7000 words. Note well, all citations should use in-text parenthetical format. Endnotes should be reserved for supplemental text.

Editions and Translations: New and/or updated editions and translations of early medieval texts related to Northern Europe. Both complete works and fragments of longer works will be considered for publication. The original may be in either an early medieval vernacular or Latin or Greek. Translations and editions should not exceed 7000 words, although longer texts may be considered. Preference will be given to texts that do not exist in a modern edition or translation. Please indicate if the text is previously unedited or untranslated.

Essays: Review essays or essays that re-evaluate prevailing theories on a variety of topics. Essays should be approximately 3000 words including bibliography and endnotes.

Reviews: Reviews of scholarly works, historical fiction (in any media: novel, film, television), and documentaries focusing the scholarly merit, accuracy, and/or potential pedagogical application of the work. Reviews should be 500–750 words.

Style Guide

As of Issue 19, our style guide is the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (also available at Use the Author - Date Citation and Reference List style, described in Chapter 15.

Citation Examples

Primary Sources

Please note that primary sources from the ancient and medieval period should not be cited in the Author - Date format. Instead, citations should use the original author (if known), title or an abbreviation as appropriate. Specific references to the text should use the original author's divisions (ie book, chapter, verse, etc), rather than page numbers of modern editions (see Chicago Manual of Style 14.242–14.252).

Correct: (Bede HE 4.26.) —or— (Bede Ecclesiastical History 4.26.)

Correct: (LHF 40.) —or— (Liber Historiae Francorum 40.)

Incorrect: (Mynors and Colgrave 1969, 426–431.)

By using the author's original divisions, the reader can refer to any edition of Bede's Ecclesiastical History, Book 4, Chapter 26.

The reference list should follow the format for Author-Date Reference Lists as described in CMS Chapter 15. Primary sources should be listed by original author:

Correct: Bede. 1969. Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Ed. and trans. Bertram Colgrave and R. A. B. Mynors. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

When the original author is not known, the Reference List entry places the modern editor in place of the original author.

Correct: Bachrach, Bernard, ed. and trans. 1973. Liber Historiae Francorum. Lawrence, Kansas: Coronado Press.

Secondary Sources

In-text citation should include a parenthetical note to the Author, the date of publication, and page numbers if relevant.

Correct: (Story 2003, 127)

The reference list includes Author's full name, Date, Title (in italics), Place of Publication, Publisher.

Correct: Story, Joanna. 2003. Carolingian Connections: Anglo-Saxon England and Carolingian Francia, c. 750–870. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Correct: Brennan, Brian. 1985. "Senators and Social Mobility in Sixth-Century Gaul." Journal of Medieval History 11:145–161.

Correct: Muhlberger, Steven. 1998. "War, Warlords, and Christian Historians." In After Rome's Fall: Narrators and Sources of Early Medieval History: Essays Presented to Walter Goffart, edited by A. C. Murray. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Electronic Sources

Citations of websites should only be used if the author is citing information unique to the site. Derivative sites that have collected "common knowledge" for informational purposes need not be cited. In-text citations follow the standards for secondary sources listed above.

For specific standards for electronic sources, please refer to Chicago Manual of Style.

In the case of print journals that also are archived online, complete reference to the print journal article should accompany the citation, even if the article was accessed exclusively online—not all scholars have access to Online Journal Article Databases such as JSTOR.

Manuscript Preparation

Abstracts, Keywords, and Short Titles

Each article or essay should be accompanied by an abstract. The abstract should be clearly marked at the beginning of the file.

Include a series of keywords, up to a maximum of ten. Keywords should be chosen with care, as they will be included with the published file to help search engines index articles.

The short title should be a compressed title of the paper, used for Issue Navigation column. Short titles should not exceed forty characters, including spaces and punctuations.


All manuscripts should be completely proofread before submission. Proofreading includes spell checking, grammar checking, and providing complete and accurate references.

Author information

Authors should include their e-mail address with all submissions to facilitate feedback from our readers. Authors are also encouraged to include their current academic affiliation. Additional biographical information, such as geographic area, highest degree, and current academic post or situation, is optional.


All entries must be submitted using our submission form. Within one week, all authors will receive an e-mail message confirming receipt and readability of the submission. Please review all submission requirements listed on this page before submitting.

Editing procedure

All submissions will be sent to two blind reviewers. Authors will receive feedback from the reviewers through the Associate Editor and/or issue editor within three-to-six months. Editing of materials accepted for publication will be the responsibility of the issue editor, who will supervise all changes necessary for publication. All acceptances are conditional upon completion of all changes deemed necessary by the editor. All decisions by the reviewers are final. Conflicts between reviewers, author, and/or issue editor will be resolved by the Editor-in-Chief.

Copyright & Permissions

Each issue of JEMNE is copyrighted as a periodical. Individual authors retain the rights to their own works, however, they must grant permissions to JEMNE to include said works as part of the contracted issue of the journal, and as part of a permanently archived electronic database. All authors of accepted publications will be asked to sign a release form, granting these rights to JEMNE, and the signed release form must be returned to the address provided on the form prior to publication.

Although each issue is copyrighted, a copyright for a periodical does not protect the rights of the individual author. Authors are strongly urged to register their own copyright with the Library of Congress. Copyright forms are available at, and the current cost of copyright protection is $20.

Anyone who wishes to utilize material contained within JEMNE elsewhere (including, but not limited to, posting articles on homepages) must obtain permission from the authors and notify JEMNE. Material reprinted from JEMNE must carry a notice giving the publication details for the work's appearance in this journal.

If you wish to link to anything in JEMNE, please inform the Editor-in-Chief.Mailto: Icon