Links for the Heroic Age
Welcome to the Links Page for The Heroic Age. This page was last
updated 16 December 2011. New links for this update appear
at the bottom of each section. Please send all suggestions, problems, or new links
to Larry Swain.
General Links
- IMS The Internet Medieval Sourcebook
- The Labyrinth
- Medieval Academic Discussion Lists
- Netserf
- Online Reference Book (ORB) for Medieval Studies
- Perseus Project
- Voice of the Shuttle
- Calendar Calculator
- Ian's English Calendar
- Oxford Text Archive
- International Medieval Congress at Western Michigan U.
- Cotton Nero A.x.Project A little late for us, but it is a good project, an online exercise in textual criticism.
- Mediävistik im Internet A General German Site, includes much of interest to our period.
- Tennesee Bob's Famous French Links Another site of interest, large list of links.
- Catholic Encyclopedia
- Early Medieval Corpus of Single Finds of Coins in the British Isles, 410–1180
- Latin Inscriptions mostly classical, but useful.
- The Visigothic Code
- Readings for History Courses, covers Late Antiquity
- Medieval Science Page
- Lectures On History from Lynn Nelson, Univ. of Kansas
- Theodosian Code
- Medieval Technology Timeline
- Medieval Languages and Linguistics Links
- Online Bibliography for Wills and Probate
- TimeRef—a timeline for the Medieval Period, links to further explanation of persons and events
- Early English Books Online
- A Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples
- Online Books
- The Twelve Tables
- Lexicon of the Grimm brothers
- Gothic-English Dictionary
- Guide To Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Huntington Library
- Becker, G., Catalogi Bibliothecarum Antiqui, Bonn 1885 (Excerpt: §79)
- Leuven Database of Ancient Books
- Medieval Manuscripts
- Guide to Medieval Mansucript Catalogs
- Search Medieval Manuscripts at Trinity College, Cambridge
- Codices Electronici Sangallenses
- Medieval European Timeline
- Cambridge, St. John's Medieval Manuscripts
- Cambridge, St. John's Manuscript Image Index
- The Wanderings and Homes of Manuscripts by M. R. James
- Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien—TITUS
- Index of online books, mostly in Google Books, of interest and importance to Medieval studies.
- As above, Patristics
- Index of Medieval Medical Images
- Primary Sources for Medieval Studies—a list of primary source collections.
- Source Chretiennes—Auteurs anciens
- Thesaurus Exemplorum Medii Aevi
- The Woodharrow Institute for Germanic and Runic Studies
- Theoi E-Texts Library—includes many background and source texts for medieval authors, some Late Antique authors, and an encyclopedia of mythic names.
- HODOI ELEKTRONIKAI—another e-text repository, largely classical
- Online Critical Pseudipigrapha—all those odd texts that have such influence in the medieval period....
- Diet of the Medieval Peasent
- Medieval Music Index
- Inter Libros: Research Guides for Classical and Medieval Studies, Medieval Latin Dictionaries
- S. Thompson. Motif-index of folk-literature
- Norman Anonymous
Search Help
- Dogpile is a search engine that searches search engines, online newspapers and magazines, usenet, and ftp sites.
- Yahoo! for Britain and Ireland
- What Do You Want to Know Today?" A very useful site.
- AIM25—London Area Archival Searches
Atlases and Maps
- Roman Military Sites in Britain
- Heraldic Atlas
- The DIR and ORB Ancient and Medieval Atlas
- Index of Cartographic Images Illustrating Maps of the Early Medieval Period 400–1300 A.D.
- Political Maps of Europe AD 1–1000
- Maps of Anglo-Saxon England
- Bibliography of Maps
- Orbis Latinis online
- Medieval Maps
- Historical Maps
- Medieval Sourcebook's Medieval Maps
- Medieval Atlas
- Regnum Francorum Online Interactive Maps of Early Medieval Europe 614–840
- C. P. Biggam's Anglo-Saxon Studies Bibliogarphy
- TOCS-IN The Classical Studies Bibliography Search
- Base d'Information Bibliographique en Patristique an excellent Patristic bibliography source
- WEMSK What Every Medievalist Should Know, compiled by James Marchand
- Dr. Charles Wright's Course Bibliographies, includes Old and Middle English, Medieval Latin and more
- Research Bibliographies on Political and Social History by Thomas Head
- Norman Bibliography
- Medieval/Cultural Studies Bibliography
- Cornish Medieval Drama
- Medieval Bibliography
- Medieval Bibliography from ORB
- Germanic Kinship
- Missals and Mass Bibliography from ORB
- The Books that Influenced Twentieth Century Medieval Historical Studies
- The Year 1000 and the Question of the "feudal transformation"
- Studies of Trifunctionalism—the three estates
- Lordship in the Middle Ages
- Bibliography of Feminine Versions of the Rule of Benedict
- Medieval Bestiary Bibliography
- Sources disponibles en ligne à propos du haut Moyen Âge
- Regesta Imperii: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz
- In the Beginning: Bibles Before 1000
- Walter J. Ong Bibliography
Online Journals
- Arthuriana Journal of the International Arthurian Society—North American Branch
- Britannia
- British Archaeology
- Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies (contents pages only)
- Celtica (contents pages only)
- Internet Archaeology
- The Heroic Age
- Old English Newsletter (information page)
- Peritia Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland (contents pages only)
- Chrétien de Troyes Online
- Current Archaeology
- TC Journal a journal which deals principally with the textual criticism of the Bible, but since the vast majority of the earliest manuscripts, Greek and Latin, are from our area, readers may be interested in the journal.
- Medieval Life a journal that publishes articles on social history, some online
- Canterbury Archaeological Trust
- Brehon Law Review
- Chronicon
- Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy—some articles available for download in PDF, many articles have online abstracts
- Manucripta Mediaevalia
- Florilegium
Organizations and Discussion Lists
- Academic Discussion Groups a a list of discussion ggroups and their foci
- H-Net List of H-Net sponsored Discussion LLists
- Council for British Archaeology
- Pictish Arts Society
- Late Antiquity Research Group
- Canadian Society of Medievalists
- International Society of Anglo-Saxonists
- Society for Late Antiquity
- The Viking Society for Northern Research
- Medieval Latin Association of North America
- Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
- Celtic Studies Association of North America
- The Early Medieval Forum
- Lowlands-L, a discussion list and web site with a links page to the regions and languages of the area
- The Digital Medievalist Project and Journal
- ASIMS—American Society of Irish Medieval Studies
- Medieval Sermon Society
- Societas internationalis pro Vivario
Arthurian Links
- The Camelot Project
- Arthurnet
- Arthurian Resources on the Internet by Tom Green
- Celtic Studies Resources
- Celtic Twilight
- Chrétien de Troyes Online
- Forest of Brocelainde
- Lincolnshire and Arthur
- A Bibliographic Guide to Welsh Arthurian Literature
The Britons
- Lacus Curtius a site dedicated to Rome, but includes primary source material relating to Roman Britain
- The Celtic Inscribed Stones Project
- Roman Map of Britain
- Vortigern Studies
- Math the Son of Mathonwy
- Late Roman Army
- Gildas in translation
- Nennius, Hisotria Brittonum
- Nennius again, in translation
- Life of Gildas in modern English
- Annales of Cambriae
- Description of Wales by Gerald of Wales, from Project Gutenberg
- Black Book of Carmarthen, BBC News Report
- The Black Book of Carmarthen
- Black Book again
- A Study Of The Interrelationship And Development Of Fantastic Beasts In Manuscripts And Metalwork Of The Sixth To Eighth Centuries In The British Isles.
- Welsh Language Information
- Historia Brittonum by Nennius, tr. J. A. Giles
- The Mabinogion
- The Mabinogion in Welsh
- Erik Grigg's Dark Age Research site
Medieval Christianity
- Fathers of the Church
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- The Unbound Bible a searchable Bible online with several versions available.
- Canadian Society Of Patristic Studies Connections to search engines which deal in Patristic literature, primary and secondary.
- Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics (BIBP)
- Corpus Christianorum
- Internet Christian Library—ICL
- Medieval Religion List Homepage
- The Rule of Benedict in many languages, including Latin
- St. Pachomius Library Late Antique and Medieval church writers listed
- Augustine by James O'Donnell
- Boethius by James O'Donnell
- Order of St. Benedict with information on their founder
- St. Scholastica
- The Ecole Initiative
- A Life of St. Kentigern
- Auxentius on Wulfila
- Studies Concerning Medieval and Franciscan Exegesis and Biblical Studies
- St. Ephrem the Syrian—an influential Syrian father, his works were translated into Latin and had some impact.
- Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies, special two-part issue on Ephrem the Syrian, for part 2
- Online Calendar of Saints' Days—housed by ORB
- A Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the End of the Sixth Century A.D., with an Account of the Principal Sects and Heresies, by Henry Wace
- Project Wulfila, an electronic edition of Wulfila's Gothic translation of the Bible
- History of Monastic Spirituality
- Gregorian Chant Page
- DIAMM Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music
- Matrix
- St. Brigid
- BAPTISTERIA SACRA: An Iconographic Index of Baptismal Fonts
- Jerome from the Ecole Initiative
- A Guide to Research in the History of the Medieval Christian Church by Thomas Head
- A Guide to Medieval Monasticism
- Listing of Augustine's Works Online
- La Bible française au moyen âge
- Aids to the Study of Medieval Saints
- Saint Augustine's Works
- Vita St. Eufrosine—a great project involving manuscript images, transcription, glossary, and other information.
- Homepage of Mariana del Padre Antonio Canuto Trimakas.—A site with multiple patristic and medieval authors and texts available for download; use with caution as several texts are misattributed.
- Roger Pearse provides texts of several patristic era authors
- Lectionaries Old and New
- Bibliography of Feminine Versions of the Rule of Benedict
- Dokumentierende Rekonstruktion der Bibliothek des Nürnberger Katharinenklosters
- Medieval Sermon Society
- In the Beginning: Bibles Before 1000
- Bible Resource Page—includes some medieval
- Rationalism and the Bible in Seventh-Century Ireland, Damian Bracken
- Gregory the Great's Moralia in Job
- Cistercians in York Project
- Christianization and the Rise of Christian Monarchy
The Irish
- The Celtic Inscribed Stones Project
- Ogam Inscriptions: Index
- The Locus Project Documents of Ireland
- Medieval Irish Poetry
- Literature and Verse Early Irish Literature
- Corpus of Electronic Texts, CELT
- Second Battle of Mag Tured
- Bricriu's Feast
- Boyhood Deeds of Cu Chulainn
- The Tain
- The Fenian Cycle
- Celtic Manuscripts At the Bodleian
- Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Art Bibliography
- Monastic Tale—the story of Mad Sweeney
- St. Brigid
- Celtic Pantheon
- History of St. Patrick
- Confessions of St. Patrick
- Confessions of St. Patrick translated by Ludwig Bieler
- Colum cille—a brief biography
- Carmina Gaedelica
- Bos primigenius in Britain: or, why do fairy cows have red ears? (Research Article, Critical Essay)
- School of Durrow from Catholic Encyclopedia
- St Columba's case book.—article in British Medical Journal
- The Book of Durrow
- More Durrow
- The Rule of Columba
- The Tain
- Lindisfarne Gospels
- Gods and Fighting Men The Story of the Tuatha De Danaan and of the Fianna of Ireland, by Lady Augusta Gregory [1904]
- Heroic Romances of Ireland by A. H. Leahy in Two Volumes (1905–6)
- Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland by Lady Augusta Gregory (1920)
- Guide to Irish Archaeological Sites
- Archaeology of Ancient Ireland
- Chronology of Irish History
- County Clare History
- Ogham
- Mac Daitho's Pig—in Old Irish and Modern English
- Pangur Ban
- CSANA Bibliography
- Colloquy with the Ancients
- The Vision of Adamnan
- The Irish Aeneid
- The Voyage of Bran
- The Feast of Briciriu
- The Destruction of Dá Derga's Hostel
- The Pursuit of the Gilla Decair and his Horse
- The Tain
- The Vision of MacConglinne (Aislinge Meic Conglinne)
- The Wandering of Ulixes Son of Laertes (Merugud Uilix Maicc Leirtis)
- The Death of the Sons of Usnach
- The Tain
- Celtic Art at ORB
- Old Irish Bibliography from ORB
- Irish Script on Screen
- Foundations of Irish Culture
- Celtic Digital Archive
- Early Irish Glossaries Project
- Contributions to the History of the Verbs of Existence in Irish
- Strachan's substantive verb in the glosses
- Rationalism and the Bible in Seventh-Century Ireland, Damian Bracken
- Tríar Manach: A Medieval Irish Joke Edited, Translated, Illustrated and Spoken by Dennis King"
Scots and Picts
- Book of Deer
- Book of Deer from the Bodleian. Full Images of the Mss online
- The Pictish Nation
- The Celtic Inscribed Stones Project
- Orkney Jar on Orkney history and heritage
- The Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland
- Rhynie Man
The Franks and Carolingians
- Einhard's Life of Charlemagne
- Gregory of Tours: History of the Franks in English at the Medieval Sourcebook
- Gregory of Tours: History of the Franks in Latin
- Tristan und Iseult
- Exploring Ancient World Cultures on French literature.
- Site d'histoire médiévale de Gauthier Langlois
- Literature of the French Middle Ages by Bob Peckham
- The Celtic Inscribed Stones Project
- The Historical Charlemagne
- Agobard's On the Insolence of the Jews at the Medieval Sourcebook
- Bulfinch's "Legends of Charlemagne
- Monk of St. Gall's Vita of Charlemagne
- Les Serments des Strasbourg
- La Cantilène de Sainte Eulalia
- La Vie de Saint Léger
- Chansons de Roland
- Old French at the Labyrinth
- Sedulius Scottus—some selected poems
- Gregory of Tours bibliography from ORB
- Capitulary of Charlemagne, 802
- The Salic Law
- Treaty at Aix between Charles the Bald and Louis II
- Old French Language and Literature
- Old High German Literature
- Tresors Caroligiens
- Regnum Francorum Online Interactive Maps of Early Medieval Europe 614—840
- Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen
Literature and Art
- Medieval Welsh Poetry
- Parsed Corpus of Middle English
- Vita S. Guthierni
- Project Wulfila—an electronic edition of Wulfila's Gothic translation of the Bible
- Comparative Glossary of Gothic
- Chansons de Roland
- Hildebrandslied
- Arms and Armor in Medieval Europe
- Barbarians and Romans
- Art of the Book in the Middle Ages
- Byzantine Art under Islam
- Byzantium (c. 330–1453 A.D.)
- Classical Antiquity in the Middle Ages
- Crusades, The (1095–1291 A.D.)
- Cult of the Virgin Mary in the Middle Ages
- Death in the Middle Ages
- Decoration of European Armor
- Feudalism and Knights in Medieval Europe
- Fresco, Italian Painting of the Later Middle Ages
- Frescoes and Wall Painting in Late Byzantine Art
- Function of Armor in Medieval and Renaissance Europe
- German Sculpture, Late Medieval
- Gothic Art
- Hagia Sophia, 532–537 A.D.
- Icons and Iconoclasm in Byzantium
- Italian Painting of the Later Middle Ages
- Justinian I, The Age of (527–565 A.D.)
- Liturgy in the Middle Ages, Art for the Christian
- Mendicant Orders in the Medieval World
- Monasticism in Medieval Christianity
- Panel Painting, Italian Painting of the Later Middle Ages
- Private Devotion in Medieval Christianity
- Relics and Reliquaries in Medieval Christianity
- Roman Empire, Provinces of the Later (1–500 A.D.)
- Romanesque Art
- Rulers of Byzantium (Abridged List)
- Rulers of Europe (Abridged List)
- Sacred Byzantine Figures
- Sculpture for Buildings, Medieval European
- Stained Glass in Medieval Europe
- Medieval Works available for download
- Monumenta Germaniae Historica introduction and Table of Contents
- Vita St. Eufrosine—a great project involving manuscript images, transcription, glossary, and other information.
- Bestiaries
- Anthology of Medieval German Literature—the introduction to the book.
- Le Cartulaire blanc de Saint-Denis
- Intratext—an archive of texts, this one points to a chronological listing of their links and holdings.
- Council for British Archaeology
- CBA Guide To UK Archaeology
- Irish Archaeology on the Internet
- ArchNet
- Archaeology on the Net
- Archeologia Medievale
- Athena Review's Guide to Archaeology on the Internet
- The Roman Army and Navy in Britannia
Norse and Norman Links
- The Viking Bronze Page
- Norse Prose and Poetry
- Sagas and other Writings
- Saxo Grammaticus Danish History I–IX
- Saxo Grammaticus in Latin—has Danish chapter headings for navigation, but text is Latin
- Prose Edda
- Viking Society for Northern Research
- Volsung Saga
- Orkney Jar on Orkney history and heritage
- Norse Language Site
- The Norman World
- Jorvik Viking Center in York
- Gotland
- Grettir's saga in translation at OMACL
- Gesta Danorum
- Hávamál
- Tools for Learning Old Norse
- Essential Norman Conquest
- Heimskringla—Chronicle of the Kings of Norway by Snorri Sturluson, translated into English
- Viking Network—much of the site in Norwegian
- The Viking Answer Lady
- Hurtswic
- Laxdaela Saga
- Cormac the Skald
- Grettir's Saga
- Njal's Saga
- Eyrbyggja Saga
- Heitharviga Saga
- Volsunga Saga
- A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic
- An Icelandic Primer by Henry Sweet
- Saganet Medieval Icelandic Literature at Cornell
- The Normans in South Wales, 1070–1171 by Lynn H. Nelson, 1966
- BBC's Vikings Site
- Climate Changes Effects on European Cultures: The Vikings
- Decree of the Emperor Henry IV Concerning a Truce of God; 1085 A.D.
- Dudo of St Quentin's Gesta Normanorum
- Vikings and Normans
- The Iron Age in Southern Sweden, 1200 BCE–1200 AD
- The Vikings, 780–1100
- Frojel—a wonderful resource about this archaeological site
- History of the Norman World
- French as Mother Tongue in Medieval England
- Arms and Combat in the Sagas of the Icelanders
- Anglo-Norman Hub
- Old Icelandic Dictionary
- Smithsonian's Viking Voyage Site
- Electronic Gateway for Icelandic Literature (EGIL)
- J.Fritzners ordbok
- Vikings in Irish Chronicles, 794–902
- Avansert søk i Diplomatarium Norvegicum
- VASLE—Viking and Anglo-Saxon Landscape and Economy Project
- A Page of Babylonian Talmud Follow the links to the main page, and find pages dealing with Kabbalah
- ORB on Medieval Judaism
- Medieval Jewish History
- Medieval Hebrew Poetry
- A Manx Notebook a listing of sites related to the Isle of Man
- Official Manx Heritage site.
- Center of Manx Studies at University of Liverpool
- Manx Language
- Manx-English Dictionary
- Learn Manx
Latin Language and Literature
- Manuel pratique de latin médiéval by Dag Norberg, in an English translation
- Jordanes
- Jordanes in translation.
- Iordanes
- The Year 1000
- A Translation of Jordanes
- Alcuin
- Egeria's Itinerarium and again here
- Egeria in translation
- Isidore A partial edition of the Etymologica
- Passio Perpetuae
- Donation of Constantine
- Einhard Vita, in Latin, see above, The Franks, for an English translation
- Waltharius Manus Fortis
- Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources
- Auxentius on Wulfila
- The Latin Vulgate—includes Jerome's correspondance with Augustine on the Vulgate and bibliography
- The Latin Vulgate—By book and chapter
- Boethius by James O'Donnell
- Bede—Bibliotheca Augustana brings us some of Bede's writings.
- Bibliotheca Augustana—the main site, containing some Latin texts from pre-classical through post-Renaissance.
- Augustine by James O'Donnell
- Egeria's Trip to Jerusalem
- Prudentius' Psychomachia
- Ausonius' Mosellaand other works
- Saxo Grammaticus in Latin—has Danish chapter headings for navigation, but text is Latin
- De ave phonice
- Disticha Catonis
- Notitia Dignitatum
- Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis
- Pervigilium Veneris
- Appendix Vergiliana
- De Viris Illustribus
- Cassiodorus' De Anima
- Glossary to Tatian by Sievers
- Adam of Bremen Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum, in Latin, no notes
- Vita St. Eufrosine—a great project involving manuscript images, transcription, glossary, and other information.
- Gesta Romanorum
- S. Georgii Florentii Gregorii Turonensis Episcopi liber ineditus De cursu stellarum
- Homepage of Mariana del Padre Antonio Canuto Trimakas—A site with multiple patristic and medieval authors and texts available for download; use with caution as several texts are misattributed.
- Gregory the Great's Moralia in Job
- Inter Libros: Research Guides for Classical and Medieval Studies, Medieval Latin Dictionaries
- De institutione arithmetica, liber I by Boethius
- PHI Latin Texts/Authors
Languages and Linguistics: Vernacular (Excluding Old English)
- Gothic Lessons
- Gothic on the Web
- Hittite Language, not medieval, but of interest
- A Comparative Glossary of the Gothic Language by G. H. Balg
- Contents E-text of J.W. Mackail's Latin Literature—a history of Latin Literature, focusing on the Classical period.
- The World Wide Web portal for the study of Cyrillic and Glagolitic manuscripts and early printed books
- Databases of multiple language and language families available for searching
Late Antiquity
Manuscripts: Illuminated, Palaeography, Codicology, History of the Book
- History of Illuminated Manuscripts
- Encyclopaedia Britannica
- Medieval Manuscripts on the web
- Book of Hours
- Book of Deer
- The Lindesfarne Gospels
- Book of Durrow
- Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
- Masterpieces Illuminated by Jean Poyer
- Willamette's Book of Hours
- Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts
- Early Manuscripts at Oxford University
- British Library's Gallery
- Manuscripta Mediaevalia
- Bayerische Staats Bibliothek Medieval Manuscripts online databases.
- The Bodleian's Online Catalog of Medieval Manuscripts
- The National Archives Palaeography Site
- Images of Irish Book History
- Cornell's List of Manuscript Repositories
- Digby 23 Project—Digby 23 contains the Song of Roland and a copy of Calcidius' Latin translation of Plato's Timaeus
- Codex Argenteus
- Digitální knihovna historických fondů Vědecké knihovny v Olomouci
- Project Runeberg Catalog
- Vocabulaire Codicologique
- Institute for the Future of the Book
Links Checked December 16, 2011